dimecres, 27 de maig del 2015

Life plans for when I'm 18

My plans for when I'm 18 years old is, the most important thing for me is get a job and buy a car. 
My ambition is get a flat and leave home to my parents.
I'd like going to have a good time with my friends.
I'm going to go to live abroad, concretly Itali, but small time.
I'm not going to get a dog but yes a black cat. I love black cats.
I'm going to visit my parents in holidays.
I'm not going to be a famous, because I don't

dijous, 14 de maig del 2015

The Grand Budapest Hotel

1-Zero explained his history a writer.
2-The Grand Budapest Hotel so Mr.Gustave.
3-Mr.Gustave put in prison but he's inocent.
4-Zero and Agatha helped Mr.Gustave to escape the prison.
5-Prisoner helped Mr.Gustave and his friends to don't rang the alarm.
6-Mr.Gustave, Zero and Agatha found the will.